40 Day Wilderness Fast

Over the course of 40 days (Aug 21st – Sept 29th), we will journey together into the wilderness going lower in humility and slower in our daily rhythms of prayer. As we surrender our distractions, comforts, and conveniences we will experience a greater hunger for the kingdom and thirst for God’s presence. In the wilderness, the people of Israel were delivered from their idols and set apart as a holy nation. In the wilderness, John the Baptist received revelation and perceived the coming kingdom. There’s no telling what God will do when we set apart a season to humble ourselves and prioritize Him. 

Our modern world comes with many comforts and conveniences. These things are often not bad, but have the ability to choke out God’s life in us (Luke 8:14). Rarely do we pause to examine the effect they have on us. At worst they can steal our time, wreak havoc on our relationships, and leave us overstimulated. At best we can forget to rest and fail to be grateful. Take a look at the list below. Ask the Lord, “What would you like me to fast over the next 40 days?” Circle those items. 

Wilderness fast options

For the full story behind 40 Days of Prayer: Lower and Slower, check out Katie Egli’s message on August 4th, 2019, “Where is your Wilderness.” Find it here. 

One Comment Add yours

  1. Susannah Greiner says:

    I’m so thankful for a community and family in Christ that is actively flowing with His Spirit lead and diving deep to access the riches of our inheritance in Him.
    And thank you for the work that is being put in to being well organized making it easy for members to track with the vision and direction.


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